eXTReMe Tracker
Please enter a Quizlet ID Help Options Info
How does it work?
-Put the quizlet id (see section "How to find quizlet id") into the textbox and click "study". All the cards are now in the center stack.
-This study method is known as the Leitner System.
-The idea is is quite simple. If you get a card correct, it advances to the next stack. If you get a card wrong, it advances to the first stack.
-The point of this is to help you study the cards you don't know more than the cards you do. This provides the most efficient way to study.
-Once all cards are in stack 5, you have finished your study session. If you aren't sure you know the flashcards, than just restart!
-To flip the card, press either the up arrow,down arrow, "s", "w", or "f".
-To skip to the next card, press either the right arrow, "d", or "n".
-To skip to the previous card, press either the left arrow, "a", or "p".
-If you get a card correct, press "c" or "e".
-If you get a card incorrect, press "i" or "q".
-To move a card to any stack, 1-5, press any number 1-5
-To move a stack of answered cards back to the center pile, press the number which is 5 more than the stack you want to move back (6 for stack 1, 7 for stack 2 etc.)
-My favorite is the asdwqe keys (left hand only). (I actually generally only use qwe -incorrect, flip, correct- as I rarely skip)
How to find the quizlet id
Go to any flashcard set at quizlet.com
In the URL (the search bar place), the id is the numbers right after http://quizlet.com/

**NOTE** The card set must be public on quizlet for it to work here
If you want to save a stack of cards to study, including all of the options, just bookmark the page or save the url!
-The purpose of this site is to help people study more efficiently. Sites like quizlet are for those who want to have fun while studying. This, however, is not a fun site. It's only purpose is to help you study flashcards as fast as possible.
This is my first attempt at using quizlet's API. The only way this will be of any value is if I get some comments and suggestions on what I should do.
Please email me to tell me what you think. Is this even useful? Are there any bugs? I'm really bad at styling, what would be more visually appealing? Any other comments or suggestions are appreciated!
Email: cardcram@gmail.com

Thanks for checking this out!
(Automatically send the lowest stack to the center when the center is empty)
This field can't be blank - please check out the help contents at the top right

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